Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pre-trip jitters

I'm going to the Philippines in 2 weeks. I wasn't very nervous or gave it much thought until today. I realize now that I'm nervous as hell about it. This is my first time to a so called "third world nation". I'm starting to hear all these warnings about it and such. It's freaking me out. I have a friend there, but she's going to be in school during my trip so I won't get to see her much at all. I'm going to be by myself. This is the first time that I've gone on a trip internationally by myself to somewhere I'm totally unfamiliar with. Sometimes I think I messed up and I shouldn't go, but I've committed to this trip. My friend and her family are expecting me.

I'm pretty sure I have nothing to worry about. I'm going to leave all my valuables here in Japan and keep just a little bit on me. I know I won't need much there since it's cheap. I'm also cultivating my beard and hair to give me the "crazy man" look. Hopefully that will deter touts and thieves. I'll just keep my head about me and I won't have problems.

A friend who went there a few years back didn't have problems. He even ventured away from Manila. I'm not sure if I'm going to do that, but we'll see.

Worries aside, I'm really looking forward to this adventure. It's a new place with new experiences. I hope I'll meet some cool new friends with whom I'll have great new adventures.

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