Saturday, June 16, 2012

It never fails.

I get sick before every major trip I plan.  Seriously.  I can be healthy for months upon months then as the day of my departure creeps closer, I get sick.

A couple days before Guam, I get a sinus infection.  The morning I wake up to go to Washington DC, I wake with a cold.  And so many other of my trips have been: hampered by a sickness. 

On Thursday I started to feel something odd in my right ear.  Not exactly pain, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either.  I took some Tylenol and colloidal silver and attempted to sleep it off.  Woke up yesterday and though it felt better I could still feel something amiss.  I was hoping to shrug it off, you know, man style.  But alas I decided my trip could not be put in jeopardy like this so I went to a Walgreens walk in clinic.

The doctor was nice, but she didn't really listen to me.  I told her that a specific medicine made me sick to my stomach, but I had it in other forms and was fine.  It is NOT an allergy.  Later on she states that she's giving me Cipro because I'm "allergic to penicillin"!  I quickly reminded her that I was not allergic to it or any other known medicine.  She didn't care.  I don't know why, but it annoyed the shit out of me.  The prognosis:  I have a sinus infection!  Though it's not affecting my sinus (at least it doesn't feel like it is), it's screwing with my ears and throat.  So I'm on anti-biotic for the next five days or so.  It shouldn't affect my trip much, but it's a pain in the ass.

I don't know why I get sick before a big trip, but it has been the pattern for years now and it frustrates me every time.  I keep myself healthy for most of the time, but for some reason my defense drop before a trip.  Maybe it's the stress of the impending adventure or maybe it's just fate being a bitch.

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