Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sudden kindness

A friend recently showed me a Brazilian grocer who among other nice things sells very cheap yet delicious meats. Since being shown that place about 2 weeks ago I've gone 4 times. It's not too far and like I said they have cheap meat.

The other day I went there just to pick up some ground beef. As I was looking around at random stuff an older lady who was stocking one of the coolers caught my eye. She started speaking to me in Portuguese and was trying to hand me a package of chili peppers. I responded by asking if they were hot (in Japanese) and she says yes. I really didn't want to spend 3 bucks on them right then, so I said I'd get them some other time. She then points to something on a shelf in another cooler. I pick it up and it looks like a type of salsa. She tells me that the peppers are in there as well. It's only 190 yen, so I decide to buy it, but then she tells me that it's a gift and I don't have to pay! I'm totally blown away by that. I graciously accept it and boy it was great. I can't wait to make something with it tomorrow.

It's moments like this that make me love living and living in a country where I stick out. People go out of their way to make you feel at home. I will never forget that old lady. I look forward to seeing her again and telling her how much I liked that salsa.

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