Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rainy Season

It is said that Japan actually has five seasons; spring, summer, fall, winter and rainy season or tsuyuu). Rainy season falls between spring and summer proper. During this "season" it rains. And it rains and it rains and it rains. I've been told of times where it has rained the biblical period of 40 days. I've lived in Japan for five years. As such I've experienced the rainy season 4 times (I was gone for one rainy season). Of those 4 times 3 have been non-stop constant rains for about a month. Until today I thought we were going to have a dry one.

However annoying the rainy season is, it's necessary for Japan. The rice which is typically planted in May needs the rain in order to grow properly. If the rainy season is bad so will be the rice harvest.

My first year in Japan the rainy season was bad. It barely rained at all and consequently a lot of rice went bad. I remember friends lamenting the loss of their crops and thus having to buy from stores. One guy gave up his entire field for that year because of the lack of rain.

So even though it's annoying, I put up with the constant shower. It's just another day living in Japan.

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