Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Upcoming Winter Trips

Hello folks. Sorry to be gone for so long, but the ol' private life has been a little hectic as of late. I'm in the middle of test prep at work and finishing up two classes in grad school. On top of all that I'm also attempting to marry (there's a lot of work to that).

However, the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Christmas vacation is approaching and that means: trips! The fiance and I are intending to use our two week holiday to do some traveling. We'll go up to my brother's house in Northern Ohio and while there we will hop over to Pittsburgh and possibly Niagra Falls. I haven't done a lot of exploring in the Northern States, so I'm pretty excited and the fiance has only seen Tennessee so she's also excited.

We'll probably muck around my brother's small town and may enjoy the water park in nearby Sandusky. I'm not sure, but we shall see. The main purpose of the trip is to spend time with relatives, but we also want to see some new stuff. I really want to try Primanti Brothers' sandwiches. Hopefully I'll finally get a chance to.

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