Friday, July 8, 2011

On being prepared while traveling

Great, I thought, the damned water isn't working. I had stepped into the only working bathroom on the tiny American Airlines jet, which was taking me to final destination in Tennessee, only to do my business and discover, much to my displeasure, that the water did not work. I eyed the disheveled pile of towelettes that lined the counter next to the sink.

I wasn't going to touch them. They looked like used condom wrappers and several were indeed open. It did not give me much confidence that those were on the level.

Going back to my seat with unwashed hands bothered me. I hate not washing my hands after a piss. And this was starting to wear on me. So, I pulled out some Wet Wipes from my bag and quickly cleaned my hands. Without those I would have had to spend the entire flight with "dirty" hands.

Situations like this happen all the time while traveling. It is best to always have alternatives in your luggage or gear. I can't tell you how many times having a pack of Wet Wipes or a flash light have saved my butt while on a trip. I also can't tell you how many times my friends have lamented not being prepared for the unexpected while out on an adventure.

When I travel I almost always bring my back pack. It goes everywhere I go. As such, I tend to keep a flash light, a first aid kit, a poncho, and some other stuff in a pocket of the pack at all times. There have been times when I'm staying at a friend or family member's house and have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Being in an unfamiliar house with no lights can cause accidents and injuries. My flashlight comes in handy for this. I merely whip out the light from my bag and trot down to the bathroom. I actually got this from my grandmother who also always carried a flashlight with her on her trips.

Traveling is often fun and exciting. It opens you up to new places and new experiences. It is great. However, not being properly prepared can have detrimental effects on your trip.

When I travel I generally take with me one large piece of luggage and one smaller one, usually a backpack. In my backpack I carry with me the things I think I will need on day trips, away from my base of operations. This ranges from guidebooks to a light jacket to an emergency pair of glasses. I also carry some things that I may not need, but is better to have and not need than need it and not have it. I keep a small first aid kit and a disposable poncho in one pocket of my pack. I also have a flashlight and some wet wipes. You never know when stuff like that will come in handy.

When I do road trips I always pack more than I need, especially if I'm traveling in bad weather or to an area prone to natural disaster or have features which may cause problems. I know I will mostly not like some of the equipment I bring, but I rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. An example of this is when I went to my brother's house in Northwestern Ohio last December. I packed several bottles of water and easy to prepare food just in case I became stranded on my journey. I also had a pair of hiking boots and some gear in preparation of ditching my car. I didn't need any of this, but had I, I would've been okay.

I've heard stories of people who go on trips and become stranded or lost and must camp in their cars. They usually end up miserable. My uncle told me of a time that he got his car stuck in a rural area of California and ended up having to make camp. He had luckily kept camping gear in his trunk and was able to be rather comfortable. He got his car out the next morning and everything was good.

This is what I recommend you take with you when you travel:
A sturdy back pack or similar bag
A flashlight (a small maglite is excellent for this purpose)
Some wet wipes
First Aid Kit
Multi-tool or small knife

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