Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sake (酒)

Sake, the traditional alcoholic beverage of Japan, is something that is somewhat unknown back home in Tennessee. Of course a lot of people know about it, but it seems that they only know that it's a drink and it's from Japan.

There are tons of different kinds of sake. Almost every region in Japan has its own special brand and in many cases more than one. I've decided to use this blog to give people more knowledge of this great spirit.

The first one I tried was Yoshinotomo (よしのとも). It was very nice. It had a nice smooth flavor and didn't a strong after taste as a lot of sake does. It goes very nice with fish, especially tuna. I drank it at room temperature, but the nice old man at the liquor shop said you could drink it hot as well. I highly recommend this sake.

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